SML Case Review: the (belated) Christmas cheer edition

We received some great news at the end of 2017, with two of our clients receiving positive decisions in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, allowing them to return home to their families in time for Christmas.

One matter was an application to the AAT’s General Division for review of a decision not to revoke a mandatory cancellation under section 501, while the other was an application to the AAT’s Migration and Refugee Division for review of a cancellation under s 116(1)(e) of the Migration Act 1958.

Section 116 cancellations follow-up: some clarifications and thoughts

We have previously written about our observations about the increased rate of visa cancellations under s 116(1)(e) of the Migration Act 1958. In a somewhat unexpected turn for our young firm, Jennifer Samuta was invited to speak with Radio New Zealand about s 116 cancellations last week and, today, Joel McComber was invited to appear on Maori TV in New Zealand

Given the interest the topic has attracted, we thought it would be worthwhile to clarify a few things about our experiences with cancellations under s 116(1)(e) and share our thoughts about what it means for the Pasifika, Maori and New Zealand communities in Australia. 

TRENDING: Visa Cancellations under section 116 of the Migration Act 1958

Over the last few months we've been working hard with our partner organisations to inform affected communities of the operation affect of section 501 of the Migration Act 1958. However, over recent weeks we have seen an increase in the number of clients who have had their visas cancelled under a different section - section 116(1)(e). Here is what you need to know.