Recent 501 Wins

Author: Jennifer Samuta (MARN 1386572)

We at SML are the last to gloat about our wins. Rather, our purpose is to spread the word (and share the facts) that overcoming a visa cancellation (i.e. a revocation of the mandatory visa cancellation by the Minister) under section 501(3A) of the Migration Act is possible!

In the past month of July 2017, we celebrated THREE WINS!  The following is a description of each of their circumstances, and the length of time it took for NCCC to make a decision on their revocation request. Our intentions in disclosing these details is to share the nature of those cases that are having positive (revocation) outcomes and that a cancelled visa isn't the end of the story!

501 WIN #1

Country of Passport: New Zealand

Age: 48

Duration of time in Australia: 28 years (arrived 20 years old)

Offence: Driving under influence, manufacture drugs, trafficking drugs, supplying drugs

Sentence of imprisonment: 2 years 6 months 

Australian partner: Not applicable

Minor children: Not applicable

Time taken for decision to be made: 6 weeks

Location when decision was made: Australia (Prison)

501 WIN #2

Country of Passport: New Zealand

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Duration of time in Australia: 29 years (arrived aged 2 years old)

Offence: Drugs, trafficking

Sentence of imprisonment: 3 years 6 months (suspended after 6 months)

Australian partner: Yes, citizen

Minor children: Yes, 1 child aged 2 years old

Time taken for decision to be made: 14 weeks

Location when decision was made: Australia (Prison)


501 WIN #3

Country of Passport: New Zealand

Age: 30 years old

Sex: Male

Duration of time in Australia: 11 years (arrived aged 19 years old)

Sentence of Imprisonment: 6 years, 2 months (concurrent)

Offence: Drugs, Possession; Supplying Drugs; Drugs, Other; Possess/Use Weapon Unspecified

Australian partner: Yes, citizen

Minor Children: Yes, two daughters aged 8 and 7 years old

Time taken for decision to be made: 4 months

Location when decision was made: Offshore (New Zealand)


Disclaimer (because that's what lawyers do!):

*Every case is different, and the process of a revocation request is a fine balance of different but specific considerations. As such, we cannot and do not guarantee that matters with similar facts as those above will result in the same positive outcome.

Our advice is to contact one of our migration lawyers to discuss your case and what your prospects might be.