Payments and Entitlements

Broadly speaking, there are three different types of compensation benefits available to workers insured under the SRC Act. Unlike some state and territory-based schemes, ongoing entitlements under the SRC Act can extend for many years after an injury has been sustained. 

weekly compensation for lost wages

If you have a total or partial incapacity for work as a result of your work-related injury and are unable to earn your normal income, you are entitled to receive weekly payments of compensation for lost wages, usually under section 19 or section 37 of the SRC Act.

Entitlements to weekly payments of compensation usually continue until either the incapacity for work caused by your work-related injury ceases or you turn 65.

Medical Expenses

If your work-related injuries require treatment by a doctor or an allied health practitioner (such as a physiotherapist or psychologist), you are entitled to be compensated for the cost of that treatment under section 16 of the SRC Act. 

Entitlements to compensation for medical expenses continues for as long as treatment of the injury is reasonable and necessary. 

Lump Sum Compensation for Permanent Impairment

If your work-related injury results in a permanent impairment of 10 per cent or more (as assessed by a doctor under the relevant permanent impairment assessment guides), you are entitled to compensation for permanent impairment under section 24 of the SRC Act.